Family Budget
Yesterday the Finance minister announced the National budget and majority of people I spoke with yesterday & today, were engrossed discussing and analyzing the pros & cons same at great lengths … & this could continue for few days more.
At Arthashastra, we focus on cashflow management for the families and thus Family Budgeting is the key focus area…
The key objective of family budget are:
- All in the family are in know of the family finances & follow a disciplined path.
- Family budgeting adds priorities on spending, thus avoids unnecessary spends… leading to good amount of savings
- It creates a great harmony as budgeting cuts off the heartburns to a large extents…
- The most important aspect of family budgeting is – it entails guilt free spending…for eg if you have marked X amount for entertainment, you have the complete freedom to spend the same, on things that you would love to…
This week’s Fisdom :
If you plan your Family Budget and follow it on regular basis, you will be able spend on the things you love….and that too Guiltfree…