New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

New Year is the occasion for resolutions…

What percentage of New Year’s resolutions fail?

Approx 92 % of resolutions fail…

Only 8 percent of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions, according to one commonly cited statistic. There are many reasons people can’t stick to their resolutions, from setting too many of them to getting derailed by small failures.


Stay fit and healthy 37%
Lose weight 32%
Enjoy life to the fullest 28%
Spend less, save more 25%
Spend more time with family and friends 19%


How do I keep my New Year’s resolutions?

For all the other resolutions we need lot’s of commitment and discipline, but Thankfully, for investing resolution…as God’s gift , technology has enabled complete auto-mode possibility with SIPs in Mutual Funds…So whether you want to plan for 1 /5/10/20 years….All you need to do is choose an appropriate product, enroll for SIP once and just enjoy the benefits..

This week’s Fisdom:

New Year is the great time to learn from our past actions and resolve to improve the coming year….Fortunately technology has enabled Fill it-Shut it & Forget it kind of investing habit for SIPs…

Wishing You all a Happy and Prosperous New Year in advance…

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